2015年7月2日 星期四

靜夜思 -- 唐朝詩人 李白 字太白

“Mediation in a tranquil night”
By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Bed side moon light shines,
Frost on ground it seems,
Head up behold bright moon,
Head down sweet home dreas.

(translated by Alan Ma, July 2, 2015.)

2015年6月9日 星期二





2015年6月4日 星期四

李商隱詩 宿駱氏亭寄懷崔雍崔袞







Poem “Staying at the Lo’s Pavillion thinking of friends ”

By Li Shang Yin, Tang Dynasty


Bamboo dock seems dustless clean while water runs crystal clear from the drain,

Separation by distance makes us thinking of each other cannot refrain,

Autumn overcat lingers as frost flies high in the sunset late,

Withered lotus lonely listens to the rhythum of the rain.”






2015年3月9日 星期一



A quote from “Great Learning” by Confucius’ student Tsand Zhe and his followers (505-435BC).

Exploration leads to wisedom,

Wisdom leads to sincerity,

Sincerity leads to faithfulness,

Faithfulness leads to self-perfection,

Self-perfection leads to a unified family,

A unified family leads to a well reigned country,

A well reigned country leads to a peaceful World,

Which is the ultimate goal of Confucism.


(translated by Alan Ma, March 8, 2015.)

2015年3月4日 星期三






“Four big tips in life (attitudes) lead to happier in life) – Diligent, Grateful, Inclusive and Forgive” by Kam Wai Kwok


 My comments:


Diligent – satisfaction through accomplishment of duties in life, which is very true. However, due to we cannot fulfill everything in life and we have limited time in life, we need to be selective.  Therefore, we need to set goal and priorities in life in order to accomplish more. Great achievement starts with self-actualisation.


Grateful – We hear a lot of talks on “Give is happier than take”. In order to feel it, we must practice it ofeten and than we can feel it. This is a positive energy will keep bouncing back forth around us, and we will enjoy it for the rest of our life.


Inclusive – Because nothing is absolutely right or wrong, therefore we need to be open minded to see things in other angles. We need to accept different ideas in order to perfect ours. This is the power to bring cohesiveness in a group. Any great leader needs this power.



Forgive – We are not saint, everyone makes mistakes. Therefore, we need to forgive and forget. This is the most invincible poswer of all, which will diminish conflects and wars. It will bring peace to the World!

2015年3月3日 星期二

「十六字心傳」 《尚書·大禹謨》




“16-Character Royal Motto” – by ancient Emperor Shun (2200BC)


If the people’s will cannot be observed,

Then justice can never be upheld;

The only way to excellence is dedication,

Practice it unbiasly and without deviation.



(translated by Alan Ma, March 1, 2015)


2015年1月28日 星期三




